Annual meeting of the Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry

31 May, 2014

Jochen Küpper and CUI colleagues, Alf Mews and Horst Weller, have organized the Bunsen-Tagung 2014, the annual meeting of the Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, at the Department of Chemistry in Hamburg. The main topic was "Physical Chemistry on the nanoscale". There were 650 scientists that participated in the meeting from May 29 –31 and presented about 250 talks and 300 posters.

Bunsentagung 2014

113th General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry
29 - 31 May 2014 at the Universität Hamburg , Germany

Main Topic: Physical Chemistry on the Nanometer Scale
Industrial Symposium:  Physical Chemical in Industry and Industrial Exhibition                                         


The main topic of the Bunsentagung 2014 focuses on cutting-edge research in the field of physico-chemical aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology based on bottom-up approaches. Nanoscience has become one of the largest interdisciplinary fields of research during the last two decades and it is worldwide recognized that it will play a key role in 21st century technology. 

The chemistry-based bottom-up nanoscience techniques evolved from colloid chemistry, a key topic in physical chemistry since the late 19th century. The major difference to classic colloid chemistry is the molecular control with which synthetic nanomaterials can be built up and investigated. This will be discussed in sessions dealing with the tailor-made synthesis of high quality nanostructured materials, the investigation of nucleation and the growth and assembly of nano-objects into complex hybride structures with advanced functionality. A strong boost in nanoscience came from the development of structural and chemical analysis techniques with atomic resolution and from the possibility to perform spectroscopic investigations and transport measurements on single nano-objects. Therefore, special sessions are devoted to topics such as the structural and electronic characterization, spectroscopy on the nanoscale, and the investigation of transport properties. Strongly correlated to these topics is the development of theoretical methods for the descriptions of such large systems with high accuracy. Furthermore, the application of nanoparticles in the life sciences, including the biological response to nanoparticles, the visualization of biological processes using specifically functionalized nanoparticles in combination with modern molecular imaging techniques will be part of the scientific program. Besides fascinating basic science, the conference will cover aspects of applications that arose in nanotechnology including high-tech materials with improved mechanical properties, novel materials for lightning, display technologies, catalysis, energy conversion and storage, as well as contrast agents and drug delivery systems for diagnosis and therapy.

Overall, nanoscience is a true transdiciplinary topic covering physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, and engineering. Since physical chemistry plays a central role in all these areas, the Bunsentagung 2014 will highlight these aspects as the main topic. Internationally outstanding scientists will give the opening and plenary lectures and progress reports on the various aspects of nanoscience and technology. Almost all of these topics will intentionally overlap with the more generic topical areas of the Bunsentagung 2014 to foster interdisciplinary discussions and collaborations on a leading edge level of expertise.